Saturday, July 31, 2021

Sweet Success Story

Hannah Melanie Parry-Wilson is a PhD student studying the biogeographic range shifts and physiological tolerances of native gastropods in response to climate change effects.  She had a positive story of her fieldwork that she was willing to share here as inspiration for others.  

"[I was] terrified to go on a PhD fieldwork trip for a week away from my little one (14 months) whilst we were still breastfeeding and co-sleeping…
Well, I got back from my fieldwork trip late yesterday (whilst baby was in bed) and thankfully the entire trip wasn’t half as stressful as I was expecting."
"Dad and baby now have a much stronger bond. Baby has been eating, drinking cows milk and sleeping like a trooper since I’ve been away, and thankfully hasn’t been distant at all from me since she saw me this morning (after her confusion wavered) - she is now happy to be held by both Mumma and Dadda and not being too preferential as she was before.
Thanks again to everyone that offered their stories in similar situations and I’m pleased to say the fieldwork trip was a success! 

Photo is of my gorgeous girl asleep with her dolly that she decided has become her comforter/sleeping partner since I left."

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